
Category Subject Vol.(No.) Pages Authors Journal Year
Disease Modeling Survival and differentiation of mammary epithelial cells in mammary gland development require nuclear retention of Id2 due to RANK signaling. 31(23) 4775-4788 Nam-Shik Kim, Hyoung-Tai Kim, Min-Chul Kwon, Suk-Won Choi, Yoon-Young Kim, Ki-Jun Yoon, Bon-Kyoung Koo, Myung-Phil Kong, Juhee Shin, Yunje Cho, Young-Yun Kong Molecular and Cellular Biology 20111201
Disease Modeling Metformin represses self-renewal of the human breast carcinoma stem cells via inhibition of estrogen receptor-mediated OCT4 expression. 6(11) e28068 Ji-Won Jung, Sang-Bum Park, Soo-Jin Lee, Min-Soo Seo, James E. Trosko, Kyung-Sun Kang PLoS One 20111123
Disease Modeling Targeted disruption of Mcm10 causes defective embryonic cell proliferation and early embryo lethality. 1813(10) 1777-1783 Han Jeong Lim, Yoon Jeon, Chang Hwan Jeon, Jong Hyun Kim, Ho Lee Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 20111001


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