
Category Subject Vol.(No.) Pages Authors Journal Year
Drug Screening Sphingosylphosphorylcholine attenuated β-amyloid production by reducing BACE1 expression and catalysis in PC12 cells. 36(11) 2083-2090 Hyoseok Yi, Seong Jin Lee, Jiyeong Lee, Chang-Seon Myung, Woo-Kyu Park, Hee-Jong Lim, Ge Hyeong Lee, Jae Yang Kong, Heeyeong Cho Neurochem Res 20111101
Drug Screening Programming magnetic anisotropy in polymeric microactuators. 10(10) 747-52 Jiyun Kim, Su Eun Chung, Sung-Eun Choi, Howon Lee, Junhoi Kim, Sunghoon Kwon Nature Materials 20111001
Drug Screening In situ fabrication and actuation of polymer magnetic microstructures. 20(1) 785-787 Su Eun Chung, Jiyun Kim, Sung-Eun Choi, Lily Nari Kim, Sunghoon Kwon JMEMS Letters 20110801
Drug Screening Polymer based chemical delivery to multichannel capillary patterned cells. 11(4) 605-608 Sung Hoon Lee, Austen James Heinz, Sung-Eun Choi, Wook Park, Sunghoon Kwon Lab on a Chip 20110211


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